Package 'segmenTier'

Title: Similarity-Based Segmentation of Multidimensional Signals
Description: A dynamic programming solution to segmentation based on maximization of arbitrary similarity measures within segments. The general idea, theory and this implementation are described in Machne, Murray & Stadler (2017) <doi:10.1038/s41598-017-12401-8>. In addition to the core algorithm, the package provides time-series processing and clustering functions as described in the publication. These are generally applicable where a `k-means` clustering yields meaningful results, and have been specifically developed for clustering of the Discrete Fourier Transform of periodic gene expression data (`circadian' or `yeast metabolic oscillations'). This clustering approach is outlined in the supplemental material of Machne & Murray (2012) <doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0037906>), and here is used as a basis of segment similarity measures. Notably, the time-series processing and clustering functions can also be used as stand-alone tools, independent of segmentation, e.g., for transcriptome data already mapped to genes.
Authors: Rainer Machne, Douglas B. Murray, Peter F. Stadler
Maintainer: Rainer Machne <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 0.1.2
Built: 2025-02-22 04:41:01 UTC

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asinh data transformation


The asinh transformation, (ash(x) = log(x + sqrt(x^2+1))), is an alternative to log transformation that has less (compressing) effects on the extreme values (low and high values), and naturally handles negative numbers and 0. Also see log_1.





a numeric vector

Back-tracing step of the segmenTier algorithm.


back-tracing step: collect clustered segments from the scoring matrix S(i,c) by back-tracing the position j=k which delivered the maximal score at position i.


backtrace(S, K, multib, nextmax = FALSE, verb = TRUE)



matrix S, containing the local scores


matrix K, containing the position k used for score maximization


if multiple k produce the maximal score, take either the shortest k ("max") or the longest k ("min"); if multib is set to "skip" the next unique k will be searched


proceed backwards while score is increasing before opening a new segment


print messages

segmenTier's core dynamic programming routine in Rcpp


segmenTier's core dynamic programming routine in Rcpp


calculateScore(seq, C, score, csim, M, Mn, multi = "max")



the cluster sequence (where clusters at positions k:i are considered). Note, that unlike the R wrapper, clustering numbers here are 0-based, where 0 is the nuisance cluster.


the list of clusters, including nuisance cluster '0', see seq


the scoring function to be used, one of "ccor" or "icor", an apt similarity matrix must be supplied via option csim


a matrix, providing either the cluster-cluster (scoring function "ccor") or the position-cluster similarity function (scoring function "icor")


minimal sequence length; Note, that this is not a strict cut-off but defined as an accumulating penalty that must be "overcome" by good score


minimal sequence length for nuisance cluster, Mn<M will allow shorter distances between segments


if multiple k are found which return the same maximal score, should the "max" (shorter segment) or "min" (longer segment) be used? This has little effect on real-life large data sets, since the situation will rarely occur. Default is "max".


This is segmenTier's core dynamic programming routine. It constructs the total score matrix S(i,c), based on the passed scoring function ("icor" or "ccor"), and length penalty M. "Nuisance" cluster "0" can have a smaller penalty Mn to allow for shorter distances between "real" segments.

Scoring function "icor" calculates the sum of similarities of data at positions k:i to cluster centers c over all k and i. The similarities are calculated e.g., as a (Pearson) correlation between the data at individual positions and the tested cluster c center.

Scoring function "ccor" calculates the sum of similarities between the clusters at positions k:i to cluster c over all k and i.

Scoring function "ccls" is a special case of "ccor" and is NOT handled here, but is reflected in the cluster similarity matrix csim. It is handled and automatically constructed in the R wrapper segmentClusters, and merely counts the number of clusters in sequence k:i, over all k and i, that are identical to the tested cluster c, and sub-tracts a penalty for the count of non-identical clusters.


Returns the total score matrix S(i,c) and the matrix K(i,c) which stores the position k which delivered the maximal score at position i. This is used in the back-tracing phase.


Machne, Murray & Stadler (2017) <doi:10.1038/s41598-017-12401-8>

Calculates position-cluster correlations for scoring function "icor".


Calculates Pearson's product-moment correlation coefficients between rows in data and cluster, and is used to calculate the position-cluster similarity matrix for the scoring function "icor". This is implemented in Rcpp for calculation speed, using myPearson to calculate correlations.


clusterCor_c(data, clusters)



original data matrix


cluster centers


Returns a position-cluster correlation matrix as used in scoring function "icor".

Cluster a processed time-series with k-means.


Performs kmeans clustering of a time-series object tset provided by processTimeseries, and calculates cluster-cluster and cluster-position similarity matrices as required for segmentClusters.


clusterTimeseries(tset, K = 16, iter.max = 1e+05, nstart = 100,
  nui.thresh = -Inf, verb = 1)



a "timeseries" object returned by processTimeseries


the number of clusters to be calculated, ie. the argument centers of kmeans, but here multiple clusterings can be calculated, ie. K can be an integer vector. Note that a smaller cluster number is automatically chosen, if the data doesn't have more then K different values.


the maximum number of iterations allowed in kmeans


number of randomized initializations of kmeans: "how many random sets should be chosen?"


threshold correlation of a data point to a cluster center; if below the data point will be added to nuisance cluster 0


level of verbosity, 0: no output, 1: progress messages


This function performs one or more time-series clustering(s) using kmeans, and the output of processTimeseries as input. It further calculates cluster centers, cluster-cluster and cluster-position similarity matrices (Pearson correlation) that will be used by the main function of this package, segmentClusters, to split the cluster association sequence into segments, and assigns each segment to the "winning" input cluster.

The argument K is an integer vector that sets the requested cluster numbers (argument centers in kmeans). However, to avoid errors in batch use, a smaller K is chosen, if the data contains less then K distinct values.

Nuisance Cluster: values that were removed during time-series processing, such as rows that only contain 0 or NA values, will be assigned to the "nuisance cluster" with cluster label "0". Additionally, a minimal correlation to any cluster center can be specified, argument nui.thresh, and positions without any correlation higher then this, will also be assigned to the "nuisance" cluster. Resulting "nuisance segments" will not be shown in the results.

Cluster Sorting and Coloring: additionally the cluster labels in the result object will be sorted by cluster-cluster similarity (see sortClusters) and cluster colors assigned (see colorClusters) for convenient data inspection with the plot methods available for each data processing step (see examples).

Note that the function, in conjunction with processTimeseries, can also be used as a stand-alone tool for time-series clusterings, specifically implementing the strategy of clustering the Discrete Fourier Transform of periodic time-series developed by Machne & Murray (2012) <doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0037906>, and further analyzed in Lehmann et al. (2013) <doi:10.1186/1471-2105-14-133>, such as transcriptome data from circadian or yeast respiratory oscillation systems.


Returns a list of class "clustering" comprising of a matrix of clusterings, lists of cluster centers, cluster-cluster and cluster-position similarity matrices (Pearson correlation) used by segmentClusters, and additional information such as a cluster sorting by similarity and cluster colors that allow to track clusters in plots. A plot method exists that allows to plot clusters aligned to "timeseries" and "segment" plots.


Machne & Murray (2012) <doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0037906>, and Lehmann et al. (2013) <doi:10.1186/1471-2105-14-133>


## Discrete Fourier Transform of the time-series, 
## see ?processTimeseries for details
tset <- processTimeseries(ts=tsd, na2zero=TRUE, use.fft=TRUE,
                          dft.range=1:7,  dc.trafo="ash", use.snr=TRUE)
## ... and cluster the transformed time-series
cset <- clusterTimeseries(tset)
## plot methods for both returned objects allow aligned plots

Assign colors to clusters.


Takes a clustering set as returned by clusterTimeseries and assigns colors to each cluster in each clustering along the "hue" color wheel, as in scale_colour_hue in ggplot2. If cset contains a sorting, this sorting will be used to assign colors along the color wheel, otherwise a sorting will be calculated first, using sortClusters.


colorClusters(cset, colf, ...)



a clustering set as returned by clusterTimeseries


a function that generates n colors


arguments to color function colf


Returns the input "clustering" object with a list of vectors ("colors"), each providing a named vector of colors for each cluster.

Cluster a processed time-series with flowClust & flowMerge.


A wrapper for flowClust, clustering a time-series object tset provided by processTimeseries, where specifically the DFT of a time-series and requested data transformation were calculated. This is intended to work in the same way as clusterTimeseries but was so far only tested for clustering of the final segment time-series, as previously applied to microarray data from yeast by Machne & Murray (2012) <doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0037906> and from cyanobacteria by Lehmann et al. (2013) <doi:10.1186/1471-2105-14-133>. It could in principle also be used for segmentation, but that has not been extensively tested. flowClust implements a model-based clustering approach and is much slower then kmeans used in clusterTimeseries. Please see option ncpu on how to use parallel mode, which does not work on some installations. However, model-based clustering has the advantage of an intrinsic measure (BIC) to decide on the optimal cluster numbers. Additionally, the clusters can be "merged" to fewer clusters at constant BIC using flowMerge.


flowclusterTimeseries(tset, ncpu = 1, K = 10, selected,
  merge = FALSE, B = 500, tol = 1e-05, lambda = 1, nu = 4,
  nu.est = 0, trans = 1, ...)



processed time-series as provided by processTimeseries


number of cores available for parallel mode of flowClust. NOTE: parallel mode of flowClust is often non-functional. Alternatively, you can set options(mc.cores=ncpu) directly.


the requested cluster numbers (vector of integers)


a pre-selected cluster number which is then used as a start clustering for flowMerge (if option merge==TRUE)


logical indicating whether cluster merging with flowMerge should be attempted


maximal number of EM iterations


tolerance for EM convergence


initial Box-Cox trafo


degrees of freedom used for the t distribution, Inf for pure Gaussian


0: no, 1: non-specific, 2: cluster-specific estimation of nu


0: no, 1: non-specific, 2: cluster-specific estim. of lambda


further parameters for flowClust


Machne & Murray (2012) <doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0037906>

log transformation handling zeros by adding 1


A conventional approach to handle 0 in log transformation is to simply add 1 to all data, log_1(x) = log(x+1). Also see ash.





a numeric vector

Experimental: AIC/BIC for kmeans


This function is supposed to provide a log-likelihood method for kmeans results, after Neal Fultz at and also featured in the stackoverflow package. Note, that the blogged version on Jan 30, 2019 adds a minus and a division by 2 compared to a linked git version. This idea has not been reviewed, and this function has not been tested extensively; feel free to do so and contribute your results.


## S3 method for class 'kmeans'
logLik(object, ...)



a kmeans result object




This is an attempt to reproduce the BIC measure in model-based clustering to decide on an optimal number of clusters. This function will be used for kmeans results objects when passed to BIC and AIC functions from the stats package in base R, and BIC and AIC are calculated this way in segmentClusters. It is however not used anywhere at the moment.

Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient


Incremental calculation of the Pearson correlation coefficient between two vectors for calculation within Rcpp functions clusterCor_c.


myPearson(x, y)



numeric vector


numeric vector


Simply calculates Pearson's product-moment correlation between vectors x and y.

Plot method for the "clustering" object.


plot the clustering object returned by clusterTimeseries


## S3 method for class 'clustering'
plot(x, k, sort = FALSE, xaxis, axes = 1:2,
  pch = 16, ylabh = TRUE, ...)



a "clustering" object as returned by clusterTimeseries


a numeric or string vector indicating the clusterings to be plotted; specifically the column numbers or names in the matrix of clusterings in cset$clusters; if missing all columns will be plotted and the calling code must take care of properly assigning par(mfcol) or layout for the plot


if TRUE and the clustering is yet unsorted a cluster sorting will be calculated based on "ccor" cluster-cluster similarity matrix x$Ccc; see sortClusters


optionally x-values to use as x-axis (e.g. to reflect absolute chromosomal coordinates)


list of axes to plot, numbers as used as first argument in function axis


argument pch (symbol) for plot


plot "clustering" horizontally at y-axis


additional arguments to plot, eg. to set point cex


returns the input "clustering" object with (potentially new) cluster sorting and colors as in shown in the plot

Plot method for the "segments" object.


plot the final segmentation objects returned by segmentClusters and segmentCluster.batch


## S3 method for class 'segments'
plot(x, plot = c("S", "segments"), types, params,
  xaxis, show.fused = FALSE, ...)



a segmentation object as returned by segmentClusters and segmentCluster.batch


string vector indicating which data should be plotted; "segments": plot segments as arrows; "S1" plot the scoring vectors s(i,j,c for all c; "S" plot the derivative of matrix S(i,c) for all c


a string vector indicating segment types to plot (a subset of x$ids; defaults to all in x$ids)


a named vector of parameter settings used in segmentCluster.batch allows to filter plotted segment types, e.g. params=c(S="icor") will only plot segments where the scoring function (parameter S) "icor" was used.


optional x-values to use as x-axis (e.g. to reflect absolute chromosomal coordinates)


show the fuse tag as a black x


additional arguments forwarded to arrows, eg. to set lwd for for plot="segments", or to matplot for plot="S"

Plot method for the "timeseries" object.


plot the processed time-series object returned from processTimeseries.


## S3 method for class 'timeseries'
plot(x, plot = c("total", "timeseries"), xaxis,
  ylabh = TRUE, ...)



a time-series object as returned by processTimeseries


a string vector indicating the values to be plotted; "total": plot of the total signal, summed over the time-points, and indicating the applied threshold low.thresh; note that the total levels may have been transformed (e.g. by log_1 or ash) depending on the arguments trafo and dc.trafo in processTimeseries; "timeseries": plot the complete time-series as a heatmap, where time is plotted bottom-up on the y-axis and segmentation coordinates on the x-axis;


x-values to use as x-axis (e.g. to reflect absolute chromosomal coordinates)


plot y-axis title horizontally


additional arguments to plot of total signal

Switch between plot devices.


Switch between plot devices.


plotdev( = "test", type = "png", width = 5, height = 5,
  res = 100)


file name without suffix (.png, etc)


plot type: png, jpeg, eps, pdf, tiff or svg


figure width in inches


figure height in inches


resolution in ppi (pixels per inch), only for types png, jpeg and tiff

Summary plot for the segmenTier pipeline.


Plot all objects from the segmentation pipeline, i.e. the processed time-series, the clustering, the internal scoring matrices and the final segments.


plotSegmentation(tset, cset, sset, split = FALSE, plot.matrix = FALSE,
  mai = c(0.01, 2, 0.01, 0.01), ...)



a time-series object as returned by processTimeseries


a clusterings object as returned by clusterTimeseries


a segmentation object as returned by segmentClusters and segmentCluster.batch


split segment plots by clustering plots


include the internal scoring matrices in the plot


margins of individual plots, see par


further arguments to plot.clustering (cset) and plot.segments (sset). Note: these may conflict and cause errors, but eg. a combination of cex=0.5, lwd=3 works, affecting cluster point size and segment line width, respectively.

Print method for segmentation result from segmentClusters.


Print method for segmentation result from segmentClusters.


## S3 method for class 'segments'
print(x, ...)



result object returned by function segmentClusters


further argument to

Process a time-series for clustering and segmentation.


Prepares a time-series (time points in columns) for subsequent clustering, and performs requested data transformations, including a Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of the time-series, as direct input for the clustering wrapper clusterTimeseries. When used for segmentation the row order reflects the order of the data points along which segmentation will occur. The function can also be used as a stand-alone function equipped especially for analysis of oscillatory time-series, including calculation of phases and p-values for all DFT components, and can also be used for Fourier Analysis and subsequent clustering without segmentation.


processTimeseries(ts, na2zero = FALSE, trafo = "raw",
  use.fft = FALSE, dc.trafo = "raw", dft.range, perm = 0,
  use.snr = FALSE, lambda = 1, low.thresh = -Inf, = 1,
  smooth.time = 1, circular.time = FALSE, verb = 0)



a time-series as a matrix, where columns are the time points and rows are ordered measurements, e.g., genomic positions for transcriptome data


interpret NA values as 0


prior data transformation, pass any function name, e.g., "log", or the package functions "ash" (asinh: ash(x) = log(x + sqrt(x^2+1))) or "log_1" (log(ts+1))


use the Discrete Fourier Transform of the data


data transformation for the first (DC) component of the DFT, pass any function name, e.g., "log", or the package functions "ash" (asinh: ash(x) = log(x + sqrt(x^2+1))) or "log_1" (log(x+1)).


a vector of integers, giving the components of the Discrete Fourier Transform to be used where 1 is the first component (DC) corresponding to the total signal (sum over all time points), and 2:n are the higher components corresponding to 2:n full cycles in the data


number of permutations of the data set, to obtain p-values for the oscillation


use a scaled amplitude, where each component of the Discrete Fourier Transform is divided by the mean of all other components (without the first or DC component), a normalization that can be interpreted to reflect a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)


parameter lambda for Box-Cox transformation of DFT amplitudes (experimental; not tested)


use this threshold to cut-off data, which will be added to the absent/nuisance cluster later

integer, if set a moving average is calculated for each time-point between adjacent data points using stats package's smooth with option


integer, if set the time-series will be smoothed using stats package's filter to calculate a moving average with span smooth.time and smoothEnds to extrapolate smoothed first and last time-points (again using span smooth.time)


logical value indicating whether time can be treated as circular in smoothing via option smooth.time


level of verbosity, 0: no output, 1: progress messages


This function exemplifies the processing of an oscillatory transcriptome time-series data as used in the establishment of this algorithm and the demo segment_data. As suggested by Machne & Murray (PLoS ONE 2012) and Lehmann et al. (BMC Bioinformatics 2014) a Discrete Fourier Transform of time-series data allows to cluster time-series by their change pattern.

Note that NA values are here interpreted as 0. Please take care of NA values yourself, if you do not want this behavior.

Rows consisting only of 0 (or NA) values, or with a total signal (sum over all time points) below the value passed in argument low.thresh, are detected, result in NA values in the transformed data, and will be assigned to the "nuisance" cluster in clusterTimeseries.

Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT): if requested (option use.fft=TRUE), a DFT will be applied using base R's mvfft function and reporting all or only requested (option dft.range) DFT components, where the first, or DC ("direct current") component, equals the total signal (sum over all points) and other components are numbered 1:n, reflecting the number of full cycles in the time-series. Values are reported as complex numbers, from which both amplitude and phase can be calculated. All returned DFT components will be used by clusterTimeseries.

Additional Transformations: data can be transformed prior to DFT (options trafo, smooth.time,, or after DFT (options use.snr and dc.trafo). It is recommended to use the amplitude scaling (a signal-to-noise ratio transformation, see option documentation). The separate transformation of the DC component allows to de-emphasize the total signal in subsequent clustering & segmentation. Additionally, but not tested in the context of segmentation, a Box-Cox transformation of the DFT can be performed (option lambda). This transformation proofed useful in DFT-based clustering with the model-based clustering algorithm in package flowClust, and is available here for further tests with k-means clustering.

Phase, Amplitude and Permutation Analysis: this time-series processing and subsequent clustering can also be used without segmentation, eg. for conventional microarray data or RNA-seq data already mapped to genes. The option perm allows to perform a permutation test (perm times) and adds a matrix of empirical p-values for all DFT components to the results object, ie. the fraction of perm where amplitude was higher then the amplitude of the randomized time-series. Phases and amplitudes can be derived from the complex numbers in matrix "dft" of the result object.


Returns a list of class "timeseries" which comprises of the transformed time-series and additional information, such as the total signal, and positions of rows with only NA/0 values. Note that NA values are interpreted as 0.


Machne & Murray (2012) <doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0037906>, and Lehmann et al. (2013) <doi:10.1186/1471-2105-14-133>


## The input data is a matrix with time points in columns
## and a 1D order, here 7624 genome positions, is reflected in rows,
## if the time-series should be segmented.
## Time-series processing prepares the data for clustering,
## the example data is periodic, and we will cluster its Discrete Fourier
## Transform (DFT) rather then the original data. Specifically we will
## only use components 1 to 7 of the DFT (dft.range) and also apply
## a signal/noise ratio normalization, where each component is
## divided by the mean of all other components. To de-emphasize
## total levels the first component (DC for "direct current") of the
## DFT will be separately arcsinh transformed. This peculiar combination
## proofed best for our data:
tset <- processTimeseries(ts=tsd, na2zero=TRUE, use.fft=TRUE,
                          dft.range=1:7, dc.trafo="ash", use.snr=TRUE)
## a plot method exists for the returned time-series class:

Batch wrapper for segmentClusters.


A high-level wrapper for multiple runs of segmentation by segmentClusters for multiple clusterings and/or multiple segmentation parameters. It additionally allows to tag adjacent segments to be potentially fused due to similarity of their clusters.


segmentCluster.batch(cset, varySettings = setVarySettings(),
  fuse.threshold = 0.2, rm.nui = TRUE,, = TRUE,
  id, save.matrix = FALSE, verb = 1)



a clustering set as returned by clusterTimeseries


list of settings where each entry can be a vector; the function will construct a matrix of all possible combinations of parameter values in this list, call segmentClusters for each, and report a matrix of segments where the segment ‘type’ is constructed from the varied parameters; see option A varySettings list with all required (default) parameters can be obtained via function setVarySettings.


if adjacent segments are associated with clusters the centers of which have a Pearson correlation >fuse.threshold the field "fuse" will be set to 1 for the second segments (top-to-bottom as reported)


remove nuisance cluster segments from final results

vector of strings selecting the parameters which will be used as segment types. Note, that all parameters that are actually varied will be automatically added (if missing). The list can include parameters from time-series processing found in the "clustering" object cset as cset$tids.

default type name construction; if TRUE (default) parameters that are not varied will not be part of the segment type and ID. This argument has no effect if argument is set.


if set, the default segment IDs, constructed from numbered segment types, are replaced by this


store the total score matrix S(i,c) and the backtracing matrix K(i,c); useful in testing stage or for debugging or illustration of the algorithm; TODO: save.matrix is currently not implemented, since batch function returns a matrix only


level of verbosity, 0: no output, 1: progress messages


This is a high-level wrapper for segmentClusters which allows segmentation over multiple clusterings as provided by the function clusterTimeseries and over multiple segmentation parameters. Each parameter in the list varySettings can be a vector and ALL combinations of the passed parameter values will be used for one run of segmentClusters. The resulting segment table, list item "segments" of the returned object, is a data.frame with additional columns "ID" and "type", automatically generated strings indicating the used parameters (each "type" reflects one parameter set), and "colors", indicating the automatically generated color of the assigned cluster label.


Returns an object of class "segments", just as its base function segmentClusters, but the main segment table, list item "segments", is a data.frame with additional columns "ID" and "type", automatically generated strings indicating the used parameters (each "type" reflects one parameter set), and "colors", indicating the automatically generated color of the assigned cluster label.


# load example data, an RNA-seq time-series data from a short genomic
# region of budding yeast

# 1) Fourier-transform time series:
tset <- processTimeseries(ts=tsd, na2zero=TRUE, use.fft=TRUE,
                          dft.range=1:7, dc.trafo="ash", use.snr=TRUE)

# 2) cluster time-series several times into K=12 clusters:
cset <- clusterTimeseries(tset, K=c(12,12,12))

# 3) choose parameter ranges, here only E is varied 
vary <- setVarySettings(M=100, E=c(1,3), nui=3, S="icor", Mn=20)

# 4) ... segment ALL using the batch function:
## Not run:  ## NOTE: takes too long for CRAN example timing restrictions
segments <- segmentCluster.batch(cset=cset, varySettings=vary)

# 5) inspect results:
plotSegmentation(tset, cset, segments)

# 6) and get segment border table. Note that the table has
#    additional columns "ID" and "type", indicating the used parameters,
#    and "color" providing the color of the cluster the segment was
#    assigned to. This allows to track segments in the inspection plots.
sgtable <- segments$segments

## End(Not run)

Run the segmenTier algorithm.


segmenTier's main wrapper interface, calculates segments from a clustering sequence. This will run the segmentation algorithm once for the indicated parameters. The function segmentCluster.batch allows for multiple runs over different parameters or input-clusterings.


segmentClusters(seq, k = 1, csim, E = 1, S = "ccor", M = 175,
  Mn = 20, a = -2, nui = 1, nextmax = TRUE, multi = "max",
  multib = "max", rm.nui = TRUE, save.matrix = FALSE, verb = 1)



Either an integer vector of cluster labels, or a structure of class 'clustering' as returned by clusterTimeseries. The only strict requirement for the first option is that nuisance clusters (which will be treated specially during the dynamic programming routine) have to be '0' (zero).


if argument seq is of class 'clustering' the kth clustering will be used; defaults to 1


The cluster-cluster or position-cluster similarity matrix for scoring functions "ccor" and "icor" (option S), respectively. If seq is of class 'clustering' csim is optional and will override the similarity matrices in seq. If argument seq is a simple vector of cluster labels and the scoring function is "icor" or "ccor", an appropriate matrix csim MUST be provided. Finally, for scoring function "ccls" the argument csim will be ignored and the matrix is instead automatically constructed from argument a, and using argument nui for the nuisance cluster.


exponent to scale similarity matrices


the scoring function to be used: "ccor", "icor" or "ccls"


segment length penalty. Note, that this is not a strict cut-off but defined as a penalty that must be "overcome" by good score.


segment length penalty for nuisance cluster. Mn<M will allow shorter distances between "real" segments; only used in scoring functions "ccor" and "icor"


a cluster "dissimilarity" only used for pure cluster-based scoring w/o cluster similarity measures in scoring function "ccls".


the similarity score to be used for nuisance clusters in the cluster similarity matrices


go backwards while score is increasing before opening a new segment, default is TRUE


handling of multiple k with max. score in forward phase, either "min" (default) or "max"


handling of multiple k with max. score in back-trace phase, either "min" (default), "max" or "skip"


remove nuisance cluster segments from final results


store the total score matrix S(i,c) and the backtracing matrix K(i,c); useful in testing stage or for debugging or illustration of the algorithm;


level of verbosity, 0: no output, 1: progress messages


This is the main R wrapper function for the ‘segmenTier’ segmentation algorithm. It takes an ordered sequence of cluster labels and returns segments of consistent clusterings, where cluster-cluster or cluster-position similarities are maximal. Its main input (argument seq) is either a "clustering" object returned by clusterTimeseries (scenario I), or an integer vector of cluster labels (scenario II) or. The function then runs the dynamic programming algorithm (calculateScore) for a selected scoring function and an according cluster similarity matrix, followed by the back-tracing step (backtrace) to find segment borders.

The main result, list item "segments" of the returned object, is a 3-column matrix, where column 1 is the cluster assignment and columns 2 and 3 are start and end indices of the segments. For the batch function segmentCluster.batch, the "segments" item is a data.frame contain additional information, see ?segmentCluster.batch.

As shown in the publication, the parameters M, E and nui have the strongest impact on resulting segment borders. Other parameters can be fine-tuned but had little impact on our test data set.

In the default and tested scenario I, when the input is an object of class "clustering" produced by clusterTimeseries, the cluster-cluster and cluster-position similarity matrices are already provided by this object.

In the second scenario II for custom use, argument seq can be a simple clustering vector, where a nuisance cluster must be indicated by cluster label "0" (zero). The cluster-cluster or cluster-position similarities MUST be provided (argument csim) for scoring functions "ccor" and "icor", respectively. For the simplest scoring function "ccls", a uniform cluster similarity matrix is constructed from arguments a and nui, with cluster self-similarities of 1, "dissimilarities" between different clusters using argument a<0, and nuisance cluster self-similarity of -a.

The function returns a list (class "segments") comprising of the main result (list item "segments"), and "warnings" from the dynamic programming and backtracing phases, the used similarity matrix csim, extended by the nuisance cluster; and optionally (see option save.matrix) the scoring vectors S1(i,c), the total score matrix S(i,c) and the backtracing matrix K(i,c) for analysis of algorithm performance for novel data sets. Additional convenience data is reported, such as cluster colors and sortings if argument seq was of class 'clustering'. These allow for convenient inspection of all data processing steps with the plot methods. A plot method exists that allows to plot segments aligned to "timeseries" and "clustering" plots.


Returns a list (class "segments") containing the main result (list item "segments"), and additional information (see ‘Details’). A plot method exists that allows to plot clusters aligned to time-series and segmentation plots.


Machne, Murray & Stadler (2017) <doi:10.1038/s41598-017-12401-8>


# load example data, an RNA-seq time-series data from a short genomic region
# of budding yeast

# 1) Fourier-transform time series:
## NOTE: reducing official example data set to stay within 
## CRAN example timing restrictions with segmentation below
tset <- processTimeseries(ts=tsd[2500:6500,], na2zero=TRUE, use.fft=TRUE,
                          dft.range=1:7, dc.trafo="ash", use.snr=TRUE)

# 2) cluster time-series into K=12 clusters:
cset <- clusterTimeseries(tset, K=12)

# 3) ... segment it; this takes a few seconds:
segments <- segmentClusters(seq=cset, M=100, E=2, nui=3, S="icor")

# 4) inspect results:
plotSegmentation(tset, cset, segments, cex=.5, lwd=3)

# 5) and get segment border table for further processing:
sgtable <- segments$segments

segmenTier : cluster-based segmentation from a sequential clustering


segmenTier : cluster-based segmentation from a sequential clustering


The package strictly depends only on Rcpp. All other dependencies are usually present in a basic installation (stats, graphics, grDevices)).


Rainer Machne [email protected], Douglas B. Murray, Peter F. Stadler [email protected]


Machne, Murray & Stadler (2017) <doi:10.1038/s41598-017-12401-8>, Machne & Murray (2012) <doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0037906>, and Lehmann et al. (2013) <doi:10.1186/1471-2105-14-133>

Parameters for segmentCluster.batch.


Generates the parameter list (varySettings) for segmentCluster.batch, using defaults for all parameters not passed.


setVarySettings(E = c(1, 3), S = "ccor", M = 100, Mn = 100,
  a = -2, nui = c(1, 3), nextmax = TRUE, multi = "max",
  multib = "max")



exponent to scale similarity matrices


the scoring function to be used: "ccor", "icor" or "ccls"


segment length penalty. Note, that this is not a strict cut-off but defined as a penalty that must be "overcome" by good score.


segment length penalty for nuisance cluster. Mn<M will allow shorter distances between "real" segments; only used in scoring functions "ccor" and "icor"


a cluster "dissimilarity" only used for pure cluster-based scoring w/o cluster similarity measures in scoring function "ccls".


the similarity score to be used for nuisance clusters in the cluster similarity matrices


go backwards while score is increasing before opening a new segment, default is TRUE


handling of multiple k with max. score in forward phase, either "min" (default) or "max"


handling of multiple k with max. score in back-trace phase, either "min" (default), "max" or "skip"


Returns a parameter settings structure that can be used in the batch function segmentCluster.batch.

Sort clusters by similarity.


Takes a "clustering" object as returned by clusterTimeseries and uses the cluster-cluster similarity matrix, item Ccc, to sort clusters by their similarity, starting with the cluster labeled ‘1’; the next cluster is the first cluster (lowest cluster label) with the highest similarity to cluster ‘1’, and proceeding from there. The final sorting is added as item "sorting" to the cset object and returned. This sorting is subsequently used to select cluster colors and in the plot method. This simply allows for more informative plots of the clustering underlying a segmentation but has no consequence on segmentation itself.


sortClusters(cset, sort = TRUE, verb = 0)



a clustering set as returned by clusterTimeseries


if set to FALSE the clusters will be sorted merely numerically


level of verbosity, 0: no output, 1: progress messages


Returns the input "clustering" object with a list of vectors (named "sorting"), each providing a similarity-based sorting of cluster labels.

Transcriptome time-series from budding yeast.


Transcriptome time-series data from a region encompassing four genes and a regulatory upstream non-coding RNA in budding yeast. The data set is described in more detail in the publication Machne, Murray & Stadler (2017) <doi:10.1038/s41598-017-12401-8>.